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There are a bunch of artifacts to choose from.  Each artifact you equip will give you a character bonus.  So, in general some stat bonus increase is better than no stat bonus increase.  I chose the Lantern of Revalation, Sigil of the Controller, Sigil of the Great Weapon, and of course Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting. 


How do you get sigil artifacts you say?  Well get two characters to level 70 and then go speak to the Lord of Neverwinter.  He will tell you to go speak to the tavern keep in Icewind Dale and you will get the quest activated.  Once you beat the final boss you will open a chest containing the sigil artifact of whatever character you beat the Vault of Nine quest with.  It is worthwhile to note that the artifacts are then available to every character on the account.  So in my case I beat the vault of nine with both a CW and a GWF.  That means that the sigil of the controller and sigil of the great weapon are available for both my characters. 


The sigil of the devoted is great for action point gain.  For me, the playstyle is just too slow to take a cleric to level 70.  If you have the patience to do it and can get the artifact go for it. 


The Wheel of Elements is great because if you run over the fire symbol we are talking about a 30% increase in DPS for 28 seconds.  This roughly translates to a full 15% boost to damage.  28 seconds of this boost is well worth it because any smaller mob will be dead by then and you can take a huge chunk out of bosses in that time. 


As far as the Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting you can grind Epic Lair of Lostmauth and hope it drops or just buy it from the AH.  I have gotten 3 horns from grinding epic lair of lostmauth so the drop rate isnt that low.  


The Lantern of Revalation drops from the Artifact Recovery quest early on in the game.  I actually have this slotted as my main artifact because when activated it makes your targets take 16% more damage and buffs the entire party.  And I'm too lazy to get a wheel of elements and level it to mythic.  Maybe in the near future i'll make the move and get one. 


All of these offer great bonuses to your character in the form of power, crititcal strike, combat advantage, armor penatration, and control resist that will all benefit your character. 


It goes without saying that you want all of these as high a level as you can get them.  Generally if you can get them to orange you are doing well, and of course if you max it out and get them all to blue it will not only substantially increase your ilevel but also give you the maximum amount of bonuses. 


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