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There are really only two choices for the race of a DPS oriented CW: Tieflings and Dragonborn.  Each has its own racial traits that add to your DPS


Tiefling Traits:

+2 Charisma - worth a mention even though as a CW we are not too concerned with this stat.

+2 Con or +2 Intelligence - Intelligence is our main stat so we want as much as possible.

Bloodhunt - Deal an additional 5% damage to targets below half health. Since more DPS is what we are going for here this is important.

Infernal Wrath - Since we are concerned with DPS this is just a secondary bonus. 

Dragonborn Traits:

+2 to any stat - as mentioned above this would probably go toward intelligence.

Dragonborn Fury - power and critical strike are increased by 3%. This is good since as a DPS we are focused on power and crit as our main stats

Draconic Heritage - receive 5% more healing.  This is a secondary stat bonus but it helps with being able to survive. 


That being said I went with Tiefling because of two reasons.  Its free and it seems like the bloodhunt ability is better for DPS.


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