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Welcome to the gear section!  Gear is one of the most fun parts of the game and being properly geared is certainly a challenge.  But, for those that are up for the challenge the road to the 4k ilevel is just around the corner!  Lets get started. 


How do you get gear?  Well the first thing you should do when you reach level 70 is go directly to the aution house and buy the level 143 Exquisite Elemental shirt and pants.  These are only about 14k AD each and if will give you a substancial boost in ilevel.  If you have the AD to spare go for the Gemmed Exquisite Elemental shirt and pants.  These run about 90k AD each and are ilevel 145 along with providing a gem slot to further raise your ilevel.


Next step?  Welcome to the grind.  You start by grinding the tier 1 dungeons.  These are any dungeon or skirmish with a 1600 ilevel required to play.  From these drop the level 130 blue Alliance gear.  You also have the option of buying these with Elemental Seals, which you get from defeating bosses and opening end chests in tier 1 dungeons.  once you are fully geared the Alliance gear you should be right at or just over 2k ilevel which is good because you need to grind the tier 2 dungeons in order to get the next level of gear. 


The next level of gear is the Elemental Alliance gear with an ilevel of 132.  This gear drops off bosses in tier 2s as well as in the chests at the end of each dungeon. 


The next level of gear, the Elven gear is ilevel 135 and can only be purchased with seals of elements that you get from completing tier 2s and only from the seal vendor in Protector's Enclave. 


All of this seems like a long journey but I promise it goes fast once you get to 2k ilevel.  Before you know you it you will have all the tier 3 gear and have maxed out the seals and not know what to do anymore! 


Throughout the tiers of gear you will have two main choices as far as the type of gear.  Either raid or assault.  Generally assault is for more recovery and health along with armor pen while Raid is more for power and crit.  For our DPS build I have chosen the best of the two types going with Raid Cap for head and Raid Armlets for arms and mixed that with Assault Shoes and Assault Rings. 


There does exist a tier 3.5 level of gear that is ilevel 137.  The Elemental Elven gear.  You can get this by crafting only and only if you get alchemy and black ice shaping to level 25 and 3 respectively.  This can take awhile and doesnt really provide much of a stat change or an ilevel raise, so to me its not really that worth pursuing unless you have a lot of free time and a penchant for self inflicted torture.


The current top tier gear is the tier 4 ilevel 140 Dragonflight or Lionsmane Stronghold gear.  This gear can only be bought using guild marks earning from contributing to the guild coffer, as well as Fangs of the Dragonflight earned by killing dragons as a group in stronghold.  In addition you will need Seals of Protector from the tier 2 dungeons. 


Of particular interest is the new Underdark Drowcraft gear.  In general I have found that getting the main armor is worth it for our DPS build but, generally speaking a CW that is fully geared in the drowcraft armor will have a less power and crit than a CW geared in the Eleven gear.  They do have more utitlity slots so I guess if you wanted to only find refining stones to upgrade your artifact items it may be worth it, but other than that I have found that it doesnt really add much to our build.


If you are a bit more financially motivated you can get the Dusk Raid Shoes from the Dusk Boots Pack on the zen market.  These add recovery and power and by themselves are not entirely worth it.  However, if you were to also get the Dusk Raid Robes from the tarmulune trade bar merchant it then becomes worth it.  As a set of two when you are in a party you automatically gain +1000 power and +1000 defense.  Combined with the ring of rising power and ring of brutality we are talking about a nearly 7k increase in power!


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